
MObile Source Emissions Reduction Strategies (MOSERS)

The Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies (commonly known as MOSERS Guide) is a set of reference documents and tools for use among Texas transportation practitioners who are undertaking air quality planning. The intent of the MOSERS Guide is to provide guidance and resources for transportation air quality practitioners to understand and evaluate mobile source emissions reduction strategies. The MOSERS guide was originally developed by TTI in 2003 and updated subsequently in 2007, and 2020.

The 2020 version of the MOSERS Guide is the current version that has been formally adopted by the TWG and Texas Air Quality Stakeholders. The current MOSERS Guide consists of two standalone guidance documents, a MOSERS spreadsheet tool, and a MOSERS web portal.

The standalone MOSERS guidebooks are as follows:

  • The Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies (MOSERS) – Module 1: Overview of Transportation Air Quality – Provides an introduction to transportation air quality and a high-level overview of accepted mobile source emission reduction strategies, and
  • The Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies (MOSERS) – Module 2: Methodologies – Provides recommended methodologies for the calculation of emissions reduction benefits of the accepted mobile source emission reduction technologies.

The purpose of the MOSERS spreadsheet tool is to provide transportation air quality practitioners in Texas with a standardized approach and an easy-to-use tool for estimating emission reductions from the implementation of a list of transportation improvement strategies. The current draft version of the MOSERS spreadsheet tool includes 10 strategies and emissions rates for 7 metropolitan areas (Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, and Waco). TTI is actively adding strategies to the MOSERS tool based on input from TWG stakeholders.


Communication LogThe MOSERS Guide Adoption – Communications Log contains a summary table fo all communications conducted …2021/01/15Download
Comment and Response DocumentThe MOSERS subcommittee of the TWG has been guiding and advising the development of the …2021/01/15Download
Module 2 – MethodologiesThe third edition of the *Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies* was …2007/08/02Download
Module 1 – Overview of Transportation Air QualityThe third edition of the *Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies* was …2007/07/01Download


MOSERS ToolkitThe MOSERS spreadsheet tool is a user-friendly MS-Excel®-based tool with built-in equations capable of estimating …2022/09/02Download
MOSERS Tool Emissions Rate TableThe MOSERS Tool Emissions Rate Table is a MS-Excel®-based file that contains the emission rates …2022/06/17Download

Archived Documents

Introduction Memorandum (2007)Transmittal of “The Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies, 2nd Edition”2007/10/30Download
The Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies (2nd Edition)This guidebook is an updated reference for new and experienced technical staff in metropolitan areas …2007/10/30Download
Guidebook Improvement ProcessA process diagram describing how to improve the MOSERS guidebook2007/10/01Download